Sophie’s Favorite: Pecan-Chocolate-Chip Pie

Dear reader,

Did you ever sit down with a warm piece of pie and a glass of milk, close your eyes while slowly biting into your first piece and said to yourself “ah that’s just what I needed”? Well, this is how I feel every time I have a warm piece of pecan pie. I’ve begun to bring that pie to parties and it seems to be a real crowd pleaser!  Every time, they either asked  if they can have another piece or if I will be willing to share the recipe. It is a real stress free recipe which is 5-10 minutes preparation and then 70 minutes cooking in the oven.  I’d love to take all the credit but I must admit that I have found the recipe from chef Emeril Lagasse in Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food Magazine. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the list of ingredients: the first pie of that kind that doesn’t have lactose.

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