Asian Night:Chicken and Veggies Stir-Fry

Dear reader,

Asian Night was a success and we had a blast! Everybody had fun that night, and it was a great pleasure to have our friends over at our place. We had great laughs, political & social talks, wedding discussion ( they recently got married. It helps!), travelling, etc. Briefly, we had a good connection, and I hope we will meet them again! šŸ˜‰

For supper, I made a chicken & veggies stir-fry. I had veggies and chicken who was sitting in the fridge and needed a recipe to save them from ending up, sadly, lonely, in the compost. End I also bought those bamboo steamer that were waiting to be used again! (SHRIMP DIM SUM!) So I did a stir-fry. I based myself on the Thai Cashew Chicken Recipe by Darlene Schmidt on About.Com Guide. There were the right amount of sauce andĀ spiciness and I add the chance to cook with sherry wine. I also did some change: instead of chicken breast, I used chicken thigh; I used jalapeno pepper; i add no cashew; veggies: shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, red bell pepper. But I follow the sign for the sauce and it was perfect! Finally, I served the stir-fry on jasmine scented rice and jasmine tea. For dessert, I made a cake coco topped with apricot compote. I liked the cake but I am not sure if the apricot compote was adequate. (for the recipe see earlier post).

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