Stovetop Rice Pudding

Dear reader,

I am so happy! But before telling you why, I need to thank my parents to their support and the publicity they gave me! My dad is my first subscriber! Love you, folks! And my friends who read me and test my cooking!

There is the reasons of my happiness:

First: I learned recently that we are going in Italy for our honeymoon!!!! (Woot Woot! ) We plan to visit Venice (Peggy Guggenheim house, San Marco Basilica), Toscany (Siena, Pisa, Florence (Leonardo, Caravaggio, Michelangelo here I come!)) and Rome (Vatican, Coliseum, Catacombs, etc). We also planned to go see AC Milan play a football match and take a motorcycle ride to Abruzzo (the Space-Monkey King (aka the future husband) father comes from there). But mostly we go to EAT!  Italia –  The heaven of food and art. I couldn’t ask for better.

Secondly, my uncle Eric and his friend are coming for supper Sunday night. I am not sure what I will make but so far I made my mind on a Shepherd’s Pie served with a garden salad, and for dessert a pecan pie. mmmm Pecan Pie. Since my jaw surgery 4 months ago, I’ve dreamed of that pie. Ok, it is settled. The pie it will be! Don’t worry, the recipe will be posted on that blog soon enough!

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