apple,carrot and beet soup

September is the month of apples and carrots are on sale. So why not combine both? Apple and carrot seems to be soul mate. You can mixed their juices, do a quick healthy delicious salad with grated carrot and cubes of apple, make a spiced cake, or you can make a warm, welcoming soup. After a quick search in Google a realized how popular Carrot and Apple Soup is. Often mixed with ginger or curry, I was looking for something different.  I add 2 beets (the apple cut the harsh taste of the beet) and a mix of coriander, fennel and caraway seeds. It sounds weird but it turns out to be very delicious! You can change the seeds of thyme, ginger, sage, to your taste. Soup is the perfect white sheet for exploration and creation. You add the vegetables you have on hand and you spiced everything up with fine herbs, seeds or spices, then you slowly cook everything for 1 hour in homemade or store-bought chicken broth, or water and Kaboum! a masterpiece is born.

What it is great about soup is that it is very versatile!

Enjoy in this cold weather!
